Why IHICS - Origin?

IHICS – Origin is a product by the IHICS Philippines Corporation. A complete construction system to build high quality one to multi-storey buildings, that are adapted to the prevailing climate as well as earthquake- and typhoon-proof. Its coherent construction methodology and the system's inherent quality standards minimise sources of error during construction work and ensure economical and ecological construction and long-lasting, sustainable buildings.

What can be prevented!

This picture of a partially collapsed house after an earthquake clearly demonstrates the problems of the applied systems today.


  • Use of not suitable deep foundations
  • Poor quality of blocks
  • Wrongly placed, misdimensioned
    steel reinforcement
  • Thick, poorly holding plaster

These hazardous issues could be prevented through the use of IHICS – Origin with its key features:

  • Hollow-blocks, which mechanically interlock and therefore cannot shift apart from each other
  • Reinforcement, which can be placed only the correct way to form a fully integrated skeleton building structure
  • Plaster, which thanks to its new formulation can be applied thinly and is therefore massively lighter. However, due to the inherent properties of the material, it still adheres excellently and is more resistant

What makes IHICS - Origin special

The IHICS-Origin comprise of interlocking hollow blocks, which differentiate substantially from commonly used hollow blocks through their form and production method. The manufacturing technique in which the blocks are pressed with a pressure of 300 tons guarantees a high quality standard, wherein the blocks reach approx 2500 PSI and therefore withstand international standards.


The IHICS-Origin integrates a skeletal construction method for brickwork. This is guaranteed by the specific, on each other compatible form of the individual blocks. As a result of this standardisation the buildings can be planned properly based on a unified grid.


The form of the blocks permit only the correct application of reinforcement at the right place, where for example tensile loads or pressure forces impacting on the construction. Therefore the system prescribes very strictly where and how the reinforcement has to be laid or hooked in.

Furthermore, the form of the IHICS-Origin Hollow blocks allows also the direct application of insulation against cold, heat and/or noise as well as the laying in of electric and sanitary installations.


The interlocking of blocks is a further positive feature, which allows the construction of brickwork without the use of any mortar. Additionally, as a consequence internal and external plasterings can even be omitted.