Why IHICS – Floor & Ceiling?


IHICS – Floor & Ceiling is a product by the IHICS Philippines Corporation. A complete and simple construction system to build high quality floors, ceilings or roofs that are adapted to the prevailing climate as well as earthquake- and typhoon-proof. Its coherent construction methodology and the system's inherent quality standards minimise sources of error during construction work and ensure economical and ecological construction and long-lasting, sustainable constructions.


What can be prevented!

This picture of a partially collapsed ceiling after an earthquake clearly demonstrates the problems of the applied systems today.

  • Use of not suitable
    concrete construction
  • Poor quality of blocks
  • Wrongly placed,
    misdimensioned steel reinforcement
  • Thick, poorly holding plaster


These hazardous issues could be prevented through the use of IHICS – Floor & Ceiling with its key features:

  • A composit construction setup based on C-purlin sheet metal
    as supporting structure
  • Reinforcement, which can be placed only correct to form a
    fully integrated floor or ceiling structure
  • A lightweight, easy-to-handle hollow block, specifically designed
    for floor & ceiling constructions
  • Plaster, which thanks to its new formulation can be applied thinly and
    is therefore massively lighter. However, due to the inherent properties
    of the material, it still adheres excellently and is more resistant

What makes IHICS - Floor & Ceiling special


The IHICS-Floor & Ceiling integrates a skeleton construction as a combination of its specifically designed block and the innovative composite construction based on C-Purlin sheet metal.


IHICS – Floor & Ceiling allows building faster, more cost-effectively and above all safer.


With IHICS – Floor & Ceiling, the system structure and quality standard of the contained elements guarantee sustainability and longevity of the construction even in areas with unfavorable natural influences and weather conditions, such as typhoons and earthquakes. Moreover the recommended IHICS impact sound insulation guarantees a comfortable, quiet stay in any building.


IHICS – Floor & Ceiling guarantees an ecologically and economically construction of lightweight floors, ceilings or roofs that meet international standards.